Monday Minute – March 2, 2015

springThe month of March has arrived, and with it comes thoughts of spring.  Like so many others, I’m holding out hope that the bulk of our coldest weather has come and gone.  According to the Weather Channel though, 47 of the lower 48 states open this month with snow on the ground.  Although rare, we have seen snow cover in all 50 states at the same time. This last happened just over five years ago on Feb. 12, 2010.

Coinciding with the birthday of Dr. Suess, we open this week celebrating Read Across America Day on March 2 (ECPS celebrated the event on February 27).  We will conclude the week recognizing National Dress in Blue Day to bring attention to colon cancer and to celebrate the courage of those affected by the disease.

We have exactly 20 school days this month and teachers and students across grade levels and content areas will have important goals to achieve prior to Spring Break week (March 30 – April 3).  As we continue to communicate high expectations up front, and regularly remind our students of them, we can be confident they will be in position to rise to the occasion when end of grade and end of course measures are administered in April and May.

February 16 Parent Conference Day – Even with less than inviting weather, our second Parent Conference Day of the 2014-15 school year was a huge success.  Altogether 1049 conferences were documented at our five schools (not including the Blackwell Early Learning Center).  Almost 100% of parent/guardians participating in conferences responded positively to the following three questions:

  1. Do you like the idea of devoting a school day to parent/teacher conferences each semester?
  2. Do you feel better informed about your child’s school work now than you did before the conference?
  3. Would you like for the school system to continue to have days for parent/teacher conferences each year?

Here is a handful of other comments from our parents/guardians:

  • Love the time I get to spend with Mrs. _____ and Mrs. _____ catching up on _____’s schoolwork/progress.
  • I appreciate that the teachers have been so accommodating about the conference time.
  • I truly think that we all talk about things that need to happen for the good of the student.
  • Having days like these are very helpful to parents who can’t meet on a regular basis during the year.
  • _____ is a great teacher and motivator. Takes our children down the path of success and makes us as parents feel like we are a part of that leadership team.

Spring Sports – There may still be a chill in the air but spring sports at ECMS and ECCHS are underway!  Our baseball, track, soccer, golf, and tennis teams all aim to compete at high levels this year. Thank you to everyone who can get out and support our athletes and their coaches.

Georgia Milestones Assessment System – Teachers and staff at Elbert County Elementary School, Elbert County Middle School, Elbert County Comprehensive High School, and the Elberton Education Center are encouraged to use the months of March and April to continue educating students, parents, and the community about the Georgia Milestones Assessment System.  The Board Office is available to assist you in these efforts and will be pushing out information in the days and weeks ahead.  The parent informational video at is a great one to share.

Food for Thought – “If we treat kids as fragile, they will most assuredly become fragile adults.  But if we communicate they’re worthy of high standards, they will rise to the occasion.”   ~Tim Elmore

Thank you for working to serve “Every Student, Every Day.”  Please keep those in need of healing and wholeness in your thoughts and prayers.